L carnosine 60 capsules  x 500mg

L carnosine 60 capsules x 500mg

Brand:21st Century Alternatives
Product Code:L carnosine 60 capsules x 500mg
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What Makes L-Carnosine Important?

L- Carnosine is a combination of beta-alanine and L- histidine, amino acids that work efficiently together than they would if separated. It is found mainly in the muscle tissues of the heart, muscles, skin, nerve, brain, and the stomach.

Although there has been no known biological role of L- Carnosine to the human body, several studies with human as subjects show the importance of L- Carnosine to the human body as it has a lot of potentials to be of benefit to the human health.

Thorough experiments on L- Carnosine revealed that it has the property to change itself into numerous compounds that can enhance a lot of body functions. Most of these are related to protecting the body against damaging effects of chemical and environmental toxins to the body. Some of its functions include the ability to bind with and inactivate harmful metal compounds that enters the body, protecting the body against anti-Cancer treatments that damages even the healthy cells, blocking enzymes that can trigger asthma, migraine, and septic shock, protecting cell membranes against free radicals.

Clinical research and trials show that daily consumption of multivitamins containing L- Carnosine will give significant improvements in the following conditions:

1. Ulcer
2. Allergies
3. Memory loss
4. Slow healing wounds
5. Arthritis
6. Diabetic Neuropathy

The most studied purpose of L- Carnosine is its anti- aging properties. It enhances cell renewal in which dull, old skin are being replaced with new, healthy ones revealing a clearer complexion and younger looking skin. It is also a powerful anti- oxidant which can protect the cells against cancer producing elements. This cosmetic benefit that l- Carnosine brings had brought about to its inclusion for many multivitamin products to further boost its effects.

Experiments have identified emerging uses of L- Carnosine in the treatment of olfactory disorders, improvement of eyesight and vision, as treatment for children suffering from autism, and as protection against diabetic nephropathy for patients who are struggling with diabetes and its complications.

Natural sources of L- Carnosine are from protein rich foods such as dairy products, vegetables, and it is abundant in meat products whether from beef, pork, or poultry. Because a lot of illnesses are attributed to consumption of animal meat, it is suggested to get L- Carnosine from multivitamin supplements. This is the most convenient way to have sufficient levels of L- Carnosine in the body. Recommended dosage of L- Carnosine supplement starts from 50 to 100 mg per day. There had been no reports of overdose from taking too much L- Carnosine even in larger dosages of up to 200 mg of daily and continuous use.

When added as a component for a good multivitamin supplement, L- Carnosine enhances its effectiveness and works synergistically with other vitamin supplements to maximize their health values. L- Carnosine is best used together with other antioxidants such as CoQ10 and alpha lipolic acid to achieve optimal anti-aging and anti- cancer actions. Be sure to choose the best multivitamins available by making sure that it also contains L- Carnosine to benefit from its many health optimizing effects.

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About Cynthia Wang

Cynthia Wang-Tan is one of the editors of; a health expert who has written hundreds of articles that help people understand the importance of good health. She recommends healthy eating, regular exercise and a dose of good multivitamin supplement to achieve optimum health.